At the online session at Bühnentechnische Tagung 2020 in October 2020, both project managers Franziska Ritter and Pablo Dornhege presented interim results of the sub-project “The virtual Große Schauspielhaus Berlin”.
At the BTT 2020 Bühnentechnische Tagung, the most important trade fair and further education event of the theater and event technology branch of the Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG), we gave a first insight into our projects online on October 28 & 29, 2020.
How can we make theater heritage tangible and find new virtual forms of mediation that do justice to “theater” as an immaterial art form in its entirety? As an exemplary application, one of the most important theater buildings of the last century is in the center of attention: the no longer existing Großes Schauspielhaus Berlin by the architect Hans Poelzig. The unique architecture becomes a virtually experiential exhibition space, which makes theater knowledge easily accessible through the perspective of several protagonists and the poetic interweaving with theater historical objects from museums and archives. The VR installation, which was developed in cooperation with the Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin, opens a digital window of experience into the past, through which the history of the theater, its architecture and its art can be spatially experienced and contextualized in the here and now. The opening of the VR installation in the foyer of the Friedrichstadt-Palast is planned for 2021. In this online session, we will take a look behind the scenes and provide insight into the working methods and the development process of the VR experience.
More about the project: