Live from the digital.DTHG lab at the Bühnentechnische Tagung the two project managers* Franziska Ritter and Pablo Dornhege presented interim results of the subproject “Virtual Teaching and Learning Rooms”.
At the BTT 2020 Bühnentechnische Tagung, the most important trade fair and further education event of the theater and event technology branch of the Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG), we gave a first insight into our projects online on October 28 & 29, 2020.
The current situation shows how important digital teaching is at the present moment and will be in the future at universities but also in training situations in the theater and event sector. In cooperation with the Beuth Hochschule Berlin and the ETTE Council we are developing interactive training tools in virtual reality. In a practice-oriented approach, we develop and test concrete scenarios, e.g. for the construction of a chain hoist, safety signage in event rooms, rehearsal stage setups and logistics exercises. In the future, these digital training units are to become part of daily training and establish new ways of learning. Together with students and teachers of the Theatre and Event Technology and Management course at Beuth Hochschule Berlin, we will show and discuss the first prototypical results in this session.
More about the project: