In the course of our daily work we encounter many interesting works by colleagues worldwide in which VR and AR open up new stage spaces or play a role as a medium in a performance. This list of links serves as a source of inspiration, orientation and further research and is continuously updated by us, so it does not claim to be complete. Please contact digital.DTHG if you have any relevant information.
Cover picture: »The CyberTheatre«, acting, directing and singing live and globally on the Internet © CyberRäuber
»Digital Freischütz«, VR opera in 4 episodes, Cyberräuber at the Staatstheater Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Landestheater Linz and the ZKM – Center for Art and Media, 2019
»The Secret Garden«, Konzerthaus Berlin with Julian Bonequi and Mark Barden – an interactive installation that re-examines the design possibilities at the interfaces of new music, visual art, virtual reality and augmented reality, planned for 2020
VR opera delivery service, Augsburg State Theatre, 2020
Magic Butterfly«, Touring VR Opera Installation by Welsh National Opera and REWIND VR, 2017/2018
»Golem« by Carly Lave – Dance performance combining dancers in real and virtual space in real time, 2019
»A perfect Circle«, Alexander Schubert, 2019
»Eurydike« Art installation, music theatre, real-time game and mixed reality experience by Evelyn Hriberšek, 2019/20
»Draw me close: A Memoir«, Jordan Tannahill with the National Theatre and National Film Board Canada, live performance, virtual reality and animation, 2019
Author: digital.DTHG Team