Theatre has always been a pioneer in the development and application of new technologies, it is a place for artistic and technical innovation, experiment and research. Theatres in Berlin were the first electrified buildings, long before city trams were running on electricity. Today, stage platforms drive autonomously and intelligent headlights anticipate the performers movement.
Theatres and event venues must remain places of technical innovation and laboratories for new technologies. With our research project “Im/material Theatre Spaces” we want to bundle the innovative power of theatre and its actors and thus make a contribution to its future viability. The knowledge gained and sample solutions developed will therefore be made available to the entire cultural landscape as open source for flexible subsequent use. To this end, we regularly organize think tanks, workshops, lectures and public project presentations.

In cooperation with our partners, an interdisciplinary team (link to contributors) works on various questions of how theatre can be thought of together with Virtual and Augmented Reality:
For example, how can the future renovation process of a theatre building be discussed transparently and participatively with the public by means of an Augmented Reality application?
Can digital technologies be employed to improve compliance with safety industry standards? How can im/material cultural heritage be made more accessible to a broad public?
Which narrative possibilities arise on the virtual stage?
Can stage sets be conceived virtually and new digital design methods be established in current theatre operations?
What preconditions must be created in theatres in order to be able to use these technologies in the often hectic everyday work and production stress?